The Mission of SKIES is to improve Israel's standing in the world, to reboot her economy, to create a forum that brings the world's Zionists together in celebration, and to tangibly demonstrate Israel's many contributions to the world, as a true Light Unto the Nations. Coming out of Israel's multi-front war--on the battlefields, in the media, and at the UN--it has never been more critical to inject a strong dose of positive energy into the State of Israel and her supporters.
The 2025 SKIES Conference will showcase the leading innovations of Israel that are benefiting humanity, in the areas of Medicine, Eco-Sustainability, Energy, and Space, underpinned by support from the State and her Academic Institutions. Industry and governmental leaders, Zionists, and the brightest young minds from around the world will gather together in Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Israel. The 2025 SKIES Conference will be held in Binyanei HaUma, on September 8-10, 2025. Following 2 days of learning about Israel's most compelling innovations and working the most pressing issues, the attendees will spend an additional day touring the city and the country, to meet the innovators in their creative environments.
As an Israeli Amuta (non-profit organization), SKIES is counting on support from Israel's friends from around the globe. Your contribution will help to ensure the 2025 SKIES Conference will be delivered to the highest professional standards, as worthy of the great State of Israel. Join us in standing with Israel with tremendous pride in her accomplishments, and with determination for the world to acknowledge them.