Heartland Initiative's work with Public Diplomacy is to build these necessary bridges between communities, especially when it comes to Israel. The political climate throughout the world is not favorable to the State of Israel. It is through grassroots diplomacy between town to town, city to city, mayor to mayor and people to people, where we will be able to initiate, develop and nurture long lasting relations with great benefit to each party involved.
A number of cooperative activities which are a focus to our public diplomacy work include, but are not limited to:
Educational programs
Cultural and social programs
Economics and business development
Public health and medical cooperation
Environmental programs
A Project of Shevua Yisrael L'Ribonut
An Israel-based non profit whose mission is to normalize, integrate, and strengthen Israel's Heartland of Judea, Samaria, Binyamin and the Jordan Valley. We work with all players across the board from political leaders and organizational heads from within Israel and outside. We are a non-political and non-denominational entity seeking unity for this shared mission.