How do I donate outside of the U.S.?
If you are outside of the U.S., you can Donate Here.
How can corporations and foundations support Nature Israel?
Corporations, foundations, and other institutional partners are welcome as supporters of Nature Israel. With this organizational help, we can better leverage resources and magnify our impact on the country and the world. Talk to us about support opportunities. Contact Jonathan Silverstein, Board President, at
What are your membership benefits?
Visit Donor Opportunities to learn about our membership benefits.
What are the dedication opportunities?
We have an array of dedication opportunities in some of Israel’s most beautiful and iconic spots. We can place a permanent plaque or bench with your dedication, and we're also happy to discuss a custom project. Please contact Dan Pava, Development Chair at to arrange a time to discuss this.
Can I leave a legacy gift?
To discuss your decision to leave a legacy gift in your will, contact Dan Pava, Development Chair at Visit Donor Opportunities to learn more and see sample language.