Food security is a state in which a person has access to sufficient quantity and quality of food to meet their needs. Today, in the State of Israel, one in five families cannot achieve the required nutritional needs. The elderly have to choose between medication and food. Children go to school without food. Lone soldiers stay on base during weekends because they have nothing to eat at home. Be'er Sova Nonprofit works to ensure that everyone has access to fresh, healthy, nutritious food every day. No questions asked, no conditions. In our Community Restaurant, through home-delivered meals, food packages for families, and various nutrition programs, we ensure that no one goes hungry! Additionally, we work towards long-term change through employment programs, rehabilitation, counseling, and empowerment programs, so that people who have fallen into the cycle of poverty can escape it towards economic independence and sustainable food security. Your donation will enable us to continue working towards food security for everyone, every day.